Reflective Practice: …the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning…
Donald Schon

Journals take a corner of my office book shelf.  I pull one randomly from the bunch, open and begin reading.  I’m there, in that moment, when I wrote the words.  Pithy, contemplative, wondering, emotive, disappointing… a whole host of thoughts come rushing back.

Looking through my writing from earlier journals I hurtle back to those days and come to see the shift in thoughts, feelings and beliefs.  Having these bits and pieces of myself from the past help me to reflect on my personal growth and development.

What is more apparent in these ‘notes to myself’ is the direction they provided in my growth and development.  My reflection literally moves an implicit conversation from the darkness of my internal process to the light of explicit dialogue, on paper.

November, 2010
Nature doesn't hold judgments...nature is simply 
an expression of the possibility of life in all of it's 
forms.  What is it to live my life in the model of 
nature herself?

This note from a journal entry became (and still informs) an inquiry into living my life from possibility.  I have grown in ways I never imagined by living from this inquiry.  My development would not have taken a new course of action without having a reflective practice in my life.

More to come on what reflective practice has to offer personal mastery development.

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